Sunday, November 17, 2013


                                           THE  TYPES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TO EAT THAT CAN HELP YOU.

Eat plenty of  fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish, poultry,and low fat dairy products. Baldness and dandruff  are among the most, Pervasive scalp and hair problems.Hair loss may be the result of illness or normal genetic response to testosterone, the male sex hormone, Dandruff - excessive scaling of the scalp affect more than 55 percent of the population . it may be due to stress or chronic or recurrent skin disorder, such as Seborrheic  dermatitis , but the most likely cause is infection by Fongus, Hair is composed of the protein keratin, other nutrient that contribute to the hair and scalp health include niacin , biotin , zinc, and vitamin A, B-6, and C, A varied diet based on the food group should provide ample amount of nutrients. Scientific analysis of hair can confirm the presence of certain toxic element, even a 150 years later after napoleon's death scientific research show that he suffered chronic arsenic poisoning .                                                                                                                               +elizabeth ann quirino +Que Eleven +Dennis Lee +L Soprano +Helene Dsouza +Andy Vargas +Bradley Horowitz +Linda Nortje +Piff Mag +Christine Lamb +Liz Berg +Bryan Daniel +Bradley Horowitz +Food Network +jenson Cherian +Jessie J +Kim Beaulieu +YouTube +Toko Apar +Zoraya Tonel +Andrew Zimmern +Zachary Arthur +ZAGAT +Dj Xplosive +Phillip Cleveland +steve cooksey +Christine Lamb +Google+ +Think with Google +TONY HARDER +TONY HARDER +willie jackson


1 comment:

  1. lets turn to all natural ingredient, our fruits, vegetable and lots of fish and less meat, and fast food,so we can live a longer life
