Friday, October 25, 2013

The language of Bread

                                          THE  WORLD  BREAD BASKET
Bread: A good source of complex carbohydrates. high in niacin, riboflavin, and other B complex vitamins.
Some kinds provides good amounts of iron. whole grain breads are high in fiber.
People with Celiac disease cannot tolerate the gluten found in many breads. it may trigger an adverse reaction in people allergic to mold. often high in salt ,some breads are made from refined flour may have a high glycemic index.the growing popularity  of international breads is reflected in many types sold in supermarkets, delis, bakeries. some common bread include the following.
Bagel. the doughnut shape roll, identified with eastern European  and Jewish communities, is boiled and then baked. traditionally, bagels are made from high gluten white flour, but whole wheat,Rye,Flax, pumpernickel,Sour dough,and other version are also commonly.
What in a slice of bread ?one slice of bread contain between 65 and 80 calories, depending on the size and ingredients, the fat content between different bread will vary, breads with more nuts and seeds will be more higher in fat.Bread that are made enriched flour contain iron, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and folate whole wheat and whole grain breads, contain more fiber, all bread contain small amount of zinc, potassium and magnesium,some can be high in sodium
+Aneel Samuel +Tyra Banks +Tamara Pruessner +Mitzi Whittaker +Faan Van Der Walt +Kim Kardashian +Dennis Lee +The Divas +Ana Lawton

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