Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Peppers an excellent low calories source of beta carotene and vitamin c. sweet peppers are related to chilies, or hot peppers both are native to the western hemisphere and were name by Spanish explorers who confused them with the unrelated peppercorn,
The four lobed bell pepper are the most common of the sweet varieties in north america.
depending on the degree of the ripeness , bell pepper range in color from green to yellow to red .
those picked while green will not become red,because pepper only ripen only on the vine., peppers grow sweeter as they ripen , which is the reason red are sweeter than the yellow ones, the yellow ones are sweeter than the green ones,  other varieties of peppers including banana peppers which derive there name from their yellow color and elongated shapes;
Cubanellas , which are tapered , about 4 inch (10 cm)
long and range from green to red in color ,an orange red pimento which are heart shaped.
one medium pepper contains 32 calories, but the vitamin content varies according to color; volume for volume, peppers are better source of vitamin c than citrus fruit.
+Dennis Lee +Stefine R +Aneel Samuel +Daz Smith +Daniel Harrington +Sadia Zabin

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