Heat regular meals and Snacks to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar level, a balance carbohydrate,protein,and fat at each meal.
low fat high fiber food to achieve and maintain a normal weigh.
Stay away from foods such as sweets and snacks foods which can contribute to obesity ,saturated fat and foods made with hydrogenated fats.
According to recent studies in ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE,Men who drank more than six 8 -oz cups of caffeinated coffee a day lower there risk of type 2 diabetes by half, and woman reduced their by 30 percent,
coffee contain potassium, magnesium,and antioxidants that might improve the body response to insulin,they stress,however, that more research is needed to establish whether it is coffee or something else about coffee drinkers that protect them.
MYTH; diabetes have oogive up sweet desert.? TRUE OR FALSE :
REALITY: Contrary to popular belief,there is no need for people with diabetes to cut out sugar entirely . an occasionally sweet treat fine.
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